Innovations in education: High demand, low efficiency?
Rok: 2019
Numer: 2
Strony: 323-334
DOI: 10.34767/PP.2019.02.25
The rate and the scope of changes in education are reasons to take up the subject of innovation, which is more marked in the outside environment than within school walls. This indicates the problem of a mismatch between the skills attained within the educational system and employers’ needs. OECD experts see a solution to this problem in creating an innovative environment at school and justifying the central place of innovation in political and educational debates. The assessment of conditions that have built up the existing demand for innovation has become a basis for viewing innovation in education as a scientific category, including the distinction between innovation and change. The analysis of definitions was made here through the prism of utility and relevance to school reality. The analyses carried out in the article answer the question of whether we are dealing with an excess or a lack of innovation within school reality.
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