Pupil self-assessment and assessment of the teacher – two closely related processes
Rok: 2015
Numer: 1
Strony: 19-29
DOI: 10.34767/PP.2015.01.02
In the current national curriculum (the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education – FEP) the concept of child /pupil/student has become the basis for conceptual thinking about the whole educational process. If we want to respect the pupil´s personality, then it is necessary realize in practice the relevant didactic concept. It includes an approach to student assessment, too. Such assessment fully engages pupils in targeted judging process. In this contribution we describe a model of a comprehensive and developing assessment and conditions for its implementation. In the proposed model student self-assessment is fully connected to the systematic assessment of the teacher and gains a significant importance for self-directed learning. Both assessing processes (teacher assessment and pupil self-assessment) support the student´s motivation and efforts to achieve the set goals and encourage teachers to select appropriate strategies developing the personality of the pupil.
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