Czasopismo wydawane pod patronatem Komitetu Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN
Numer 1 / 2020

Learning Strategies Used by University Students in Distance Learning

Autor: Lucie Zormanová ORCIDiD
Rok: 2020
Numer: 1
Strony: 154-169
DOI: 10.34767/PP.2020.01.09


The main goal of our overview study is to present the learning strategies used by university students in the context of distance learning. The first and second chapters represent the theoretical part. Therefore, we first focused on the different definitions of learning strategies and their classification. The second chapter summarises and analyses the up-to-date state of theoretical and empirical concepts of the topic of learning strategies and specifically the topic of learning strategies used by students of distance learning. The third chapter, representing the practical part, formulates recommendations for pedagogical practice.

Słowa kluczowe

distance learning e-learning learning strategies reading strategies


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