Czasopismo wydawane pod patronatem Komitetu Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN
Numer 1 / 2024

The teacher as a guide: a discourse-based analysis of conceptual metaphors used by foreign language teachers describing areas of their professional activity

Autor: Magda Monika Janczuro ORCIDiD
Rok: 2024
Numer: 1
Strony: 98-110
DOI: 10.34767/PP.2024.01.08


The aim of the article is to analyse the role of the teacher as a guide, which is gaining attention in the teaching community. In order to provide the theoretical framework for the analysis, a short overview of teacher-student roles is included. The paper presents conclusions from the original research carried out according to the theory of conceptual metaphor, and it intends to provide insight into the ways in which the perception of the teaching profession is reflect ed by the language that educators use. The source material was gathered during interviews with practising teachers. The analysis of teacher discourse may serve as a first-hand source of information about the profession, in keeping with the assumption that language reflects people’s perception of the world. Thus, although the research was conducted within the field of cognitive linguistics, educators at large might be interested in reading the conclusions and taking a more conscious perspective on their own language.

Słowa kluczowe

cognitive linguistics conceptual metaphor guide teacher discourse the teacher’s role


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